On 07 September 2016, Green Tape Solutions attended the EIANZ National Flying-fox Forum that brought together 75 people, including local government environment officers, flying-fox carers, ecological consultants, Queensland and New South Wales environment department officers, and Department of the Environment and Energy staff, to work towards a National Flying-fox Strategy.

The forum was an event jointly sponsored by EIANZ’s Ecology Special Interest Section (SIS) and the EIANZ-SEQ, and was held at the Eco Centre at Griffith University’s Nathan Campus.
The purpose of the forum was to establish a consistent and strategic approach to flying-fox management across eastern Australia to mitigate impacts associated with flying-foxes while ensuring their conservation. The forum was set up around the following four themes:
- Flying-fox’s species and habitat conservation;
- Camp management;
- Policy and research; and,
- Responsibilities and stewardship.
Key outcome of the forum was the development of a draft National Flying-fox Strategy. The strategy is intended to be used as a policy-level document to complement the more detailed documents already developed by others. The draft Strategy is provided as an attachment to this submission.
To receive a copy of the National Flying-fox Strategy, please contact us at [email protected]
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