The Nature Conservation and Other Legislation (Koala Protection) Amendment Regulation commenced on 7 February 2020 and amends the Environmental Offsets Regulation 2014, Planning Regulation 2017, Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Plan 2017 and Vegetation Management Regulation 2012 to provide increased protection to koala habitat areas in South East Queensland (SEQ).
These amendments are accompanied by new Koala habitat maps for:
- Koala Priority Areas - large, connected areas that will focus habitat protection, habitat restoration and threat mitigation to areas that have the highest likelihood of safeguarding koala populations in SEQ.
- Koala habitat areas – areas that are subject to protections under the new koala conservation protections in South East Queensland.
- Koala districts map – establishes what requirements of the Nature Conservation (Koala) Conservation Plan 2017 apply to each area of Queensland.
The changes in the planning framework includes new clearing restrictions, prohibiting clearing of koala habitat areas within Koala Priority Areas. The State department will assess development proposing clearing of koala habitat areas outside Koala Priority Areas, against a new State code for Development in South East Queensland Koala Habitat Areas.
Inside a Koala Priority Area, clearing of koala habitat areas will be prohibited. For proposed developments that are located within Koala Priority Areas but do not require the clearing of koala habitat, new assessment benchmarks have been developed to consider koala conservation within project proposals.
Need further information or have questions regarding the potential impacts of the new policy on your development? Contact Green Tape Solutions at [email protected] or 0423 081 428.
By Kelly Matthews
Director - Green Tape Solutions