Bushfire Attack Level (BAL)

Green Tape Solutions can help you protecting your home from bushfires by reducing the risk. We help you:

  • building in the safest place
  • creating barriers and buffer zones around your home
  • using an appropriate design, construction method and materials

In Queensland, the Australian Standard for the Construction of Buildings in Bushfire-prone Areas AS3959 (2018) covers the bushfire safety requirements of building in a bushfire prone area, as well as providing the methodology for calculating your bushfire attack level.


The Australian Standard for residential buildings applies to:

  • new homes or outbuildings of any type
  • rebuilding of homes or outbuildings
  • repairs to part of a building or outbuilding (e.g. garage, shed or fireplace)
  • additions to home and outbuildings within 6m of a dwelling.

You can check with your Local Council to determine if your property is in a “designated bushfire prone area”.  A designated bushfire prone area is land declared by local governments, as likely to be subjected to bushfires. You can also contact our experts to find out if your house is at risk.

BAL Assessment

There are six steps to undertake a BAL assessment

  1. Determine your Fire Danger Index (FDI)
  2. Determine your site’s vegetation types
  3. Determine the distance from the site to the vegetation
  4. Determine the slope of the land under the vegetation
  5. Determine the BAL
  6. Apply the construction requirements set out in Australian Standard AS 3959-2009

Our experts will help you determining the BAL for your property.